Sunday, July 21, 2013

what you have learned about action research and how you might be able to use it.

  • On the screen provided, write a description of what you have learned about action research and how you might be able to use it. This description should be at least 200 words. 
I have learned that action research is an in-depth approach for an administrator to complete local problem identification, study, and problem solving, through his/her administrative team and teachers.  I will be able to use action research in many ways.  The first I have decided upon is to grow teacher effectiveness. This may seem like a broad topic but I feel it can be done in a year using action research.  To clarify, I will use data to find out where the teachers are according to the state and district findings.  Next, I will involve the teacher and ask him/her where they think they need the most help.  Then, I will observe their classroom multiple times without warning while trying to identify if the areas they want to work on are truly what needs to be focused on and while doing this, I will identify, demonstrate, and suggest workshops on the specified growth areas.  This will be an ongoing process thus creating a living document that provides feedback and evidence of growth.  Lastly, we will compare the previous year’s data to the current data and see if these areas of growth made an impact on the student success rate.  This will document the growth of teacher effectiveness.

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