Sunday, August 4, 2013

Week 3 Post.

Action Planning Template
Goal: To Increase Teacher Effectiveness
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Determine selection group of teachers. 
Josh Turner
8/4/13 – 8/26/13
2012-2013 STAAR, Stanford, APRENDA, and District Assessment data.
I will choose a high, medium, and low performing teacher from each grade level, EC - 5 based on last year’s data.
Notifying and preparing teachers
Josh Turner

21 teachers
Each teacher will be asked to provide a personal action plan describing areas that they would like to grow, trainings they would like to attend and professional learning communities in which they plan on participating.
Beginning of the year conference
Josh Turner

21 teacher
8/26/13 – 9/30/13
Time with teachers

Computer with internet access
I will conference with each teacher to approve of or reconfigure their personal action plan.  I will also inform them on who they will be observing, both vertically and horizontally, throughout the year, process their personal developments they would like to attend, and provide ideas for professional learning communities if they are not familiar with them.
Peer Observations
All teachers
Time with teachers
Every month, each teacher will observe another teacher that teaches their subject horizontally, along the same grade level, or vertically, a grade above and below their grade level. 
Josh Turner

21 teachers
9/2/13 – 10/31/13
Time with teachers
I will conduct multiple 30 minute observations on each teacher and appraise them based on a rubric in each teaching area. 
Post observation conference
Josh Turner

21 teachers
9/2/13 – 10/31/13
Time with teachers
I will hold a conference with each teacher after each observation to discuss their appraisal and review their personal action plan to determine if it remains sufficient.
Middle of the year conference
Josh Turner

21 teachers
11/1/13 – 11/29/13
Time with teachers

Computer with internet access
I will conference with each teacher and find out which professional developments they have attended, how the put what they learned into practice, and to demonstrate the evidence of the new techniques.  We will also discuss the pertinent data that has been accumulated at this point (i.e. District assessments, peer appraisals, and my appraisals).  
Josh Turner

21 teachers
12/2/13 – 5/16/14
Time with teachers
I will conduct multiple 30 minute observations on each teacher and appraise them based on a rubric in each teaching area. 
Post observation conference
Josh Turner

21 teachers
12/2/13 – 5/16/14
Time with teachers
I will hold a conference with each teacher after each observation to discuss their appraisal and review their personal action plan to determine if it remains sufficient.
Staff developments
Entire Faculty
Time with teachers

Education Weekly

Necessary supplies
The teachers will participate in an interactive staff development that is based on best practices, and the latest research from Education Weekly.  These staff developments will be conducted by an administrator or a consultant
End of the year conference
Josh Turner

21 teachers

5/19/14 – 5/30/14
Time with teachers

Data from STAAR, Stanford, APRENDA, and District Assessments

Data from appraisals
I will quantify data from observations and conference with all 21 teachers that participated in the action plan, along with the principal, and show them the results.  We will discuss these topics.  Did the actions that took place throughout the year show a growth, decline, or immeasurable teacher effectiveness?
How could we change the Research Action Plan for next year?
Does the teacher feel confident in their newly learned abilities?
Was all of this worth doing?


  1. Extensive Action Research Plan. It looks quite thorough. Excellent work!

  2. This is very similar to my action research topic. What role do you play on your campus? Will you have sufficient time to complete the interviews required to collect your data - maybe surveys would help with this. Do you have specific staff development in mind from Education Weekly? Also, I would love to see the rubric you mentioned that you will be using to appraise the teachers. Are your teachers already familiar with professional learning communities? I mentioned the idea of peer walk throughs last year and my staff saw that as another form of "checking up" on them and wouldn't participate. I hope you have better success. Looks like a lot of work, but ultimately worth the effort. Nicely done!

  3. I really like this topic! I am curious as to how you will determine the teachers, in particularly the low performing teachers. Are you concerned that they will not want to participate? Will they even know why they are selected? Again, this topic is awesome! Good luck.
